Sometimes search results give you deep links when what you wanted was a home page. I always felt that Google should present the homepage as well as the deep link.
I weas wondering in you can incorpoate the option to make the default google page you personalised one
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sometimes when you search google, it gives you images results in the search, Could it be possible to extend the google image relinker to these images as well? Currently they point to google image redirect like the old google images did. A test query for this is "dragon pictures" without the quotes
add links in google maps
can filtering a whole website be made as the default behaviour of the filter option?
Is there a way to use the filter as a content filter rather than a site-specific filter, or both?
I prefer add my favorite web search engines, ex: Google Scholar, CiteSeer, A9 and other search engines for the academic purpose. Make it easy to change the links to Google competitors.
I modified optimizegoogle to spoof referers on google image links to solve the common problem where sites block people from hotlinking their images and inadvertently break google image search links. Code attached.
letting users switch between multiple Gmail accounts while you're signed in to one
remove the "google toolbar banner" that google shows at the bottom of search pages
It would be nice if you could duplicate the functionality of the Google Maps: Mousewheel Zooming Greasemonkey extension?
It might be helpful as things go to include the extension release number to the About tab in OptimizeGoogle.
Hey, this is just a suggestion to make an already great extension even better. There is a greasemonkey script called "Google Search Keys" out there that adds a "position counter" to the google results pages just like your extension does, but at the same time, it adds the ability to link to the result by pressing the appropriate number on the keyboard. So, for example, if there is a search result that comes up as number "4" on the results page, a user can follow the link by pressing "4" on his keyboard. I thought this was a great idea, but unfortunately, the greasemonkey script conflicts with another extension I use, so I figured it might be worthwhile to suggest that you add it to yours.
One feature I'd like to see is the option to outright hide filtered results as opposed to the current behavior.
I'd love to see the option to automatically launch Google search results on a new tab (with the default for all other links remaining unchanged).
I like google's choice of for dictionary definitions: "for word [definition]." but their thesaurus sucks. Maybe you could enhance their results by adding links to results from,, etc.?
When I type someing into the default Google 'Web' search I want to be able to be able to click the 'Images' link and have it do the search with whatever is in the current search field input. Currently this only happens after a search has been performed - this should happen with some simple javascript before any searches have been done.
Add a button to each search result that links to
Ability to add search engines from Mycroft to the list of search engines and run queries on them instead of just the default list
Make Google Groups Beta the default view for Google Groups
Drag and drop file onto Gmail window to attach file to message